Fagmedia Safe Sex Video: Because the rich taxpayer funded AIDS Industry refuses to open up photoshop and do health promotion unless the Tax Payers give them MORE special funding.
Apparently at the moment the funding given by the Health Department is only able to cover office chairs, staff travel, staff catering, staff conference, staff taxi vouchers, meeting expenses with other departments etc so the government needs to given more money so that actual health promotion and services for sick people can move from the status of "talking & virtue signalling promises in LA La Land" to delivery of evaluable strategies in the real world.
Tax Payers can't see process, impact or outcome evaluations because programs that do not exist in the real world are unmeasurable! The problem is that Agencies who focus on Empty Promises with no delivery always get exposed & audits lead to #defund hashtags coming real!
It's called funding blackmail. It's Like the AIDS Swamp are all on strike for more money all the time and using services for sick people as black mail for more funding & every time a positive person asks for peer support they are told there is "no funding". So the NGOs blame the government but who is buying the office chairs and signing off on the travel and conferences?
Who ever in the #AIDSSwamp is deciding that virtue signalling is better than delivering services with the funding will get a huge shock when the Tax Payers send in the auditors and evaluators.
The BBV & STI Industry might as well be closed down for all the good they do for HIV+ People in WA.