#Defund Anglicare!
Do not go to Anglicare.
Do not give them Money.
If you are an Anglican do not donate them money. In our considered and informed opinion, Anglicare's Domestic Violence Program is run by hypergamous misandrists who are using organisational tax free Charity status to brutalise Gay Men who are victims of Rape & Domestic Violence.
Hypergamy does not care if Women or Men are raped so long as there is a story in the paper to support funding applications. #Fagmedia lent our media organisation to support the "End Queer Lockdown Project" but this ended when it became clear that those people sewing their lips together only did so because RRAN Leaders told them to.
The HIV Consumer Alliance is tired of the advice coming down from on high that "if you want to get services you must hurt yourself". We are seeing people getting hurt way beyond "just politics" especially given the pandemic of suicide and the AIDS Industry's inaction makes them liable for the harm that is being caused. Justice with Reparations is coming!
The people who are creating the current domestic violence industry environment are beyond evil. These people are sick. Fagmedia has this comment from a source:
"My experience was that the female on the phone was getting off on my trauma. All she wanted to know were the minute details, what he did, how he held me, all hugely inappropriate and I was told unless I went through a Police Investigation with an on camera interview then Anglicare could not help me. I went through unrelenting, ongoing rapes that occurred weekly from the age of 5-16 years. Thanks to the Archbishop of Perth and the Anglican Church I have still not had any support."
The Duluth Model does not care about women either. IF it cared about women it would not be housing violent lesbian perpetrators filed as "victims of a man" among women and Children who are real domestic violence Victims.
Who knows if these Children are safe from the Perps!
#defundAnglicare #CloseNapwhaDown #MergeBBVSTIinWA #defundWAAC