The Satanic Cult That Rules the World Henry Makow

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This is a reading of an article "The Satanic Cult That Rules the World" by Henry Makow from:

This article describes how through the use "of the chameleon strategy, this satanic cult infiltrated and subverted most governments and religions, and established an invisible tyranny without drawing much attention".

We would argue this infiltration and subversion has a extended from the top right down to grassroots community groups which also have their gatekeepers and controlled opposition limiting the development of humanity!

Below It's not Just politics as the cunts on #tumblr will tell you. A Rape Culture exists, that by their inaction, is being enabled and  condoned by the Highest Leaders of the HIV Industry and this is the this is the result of the death cult's inaction. A long line of Dead Queens, Trannies jumping under trains even the #Rape Competitions they played at #HAPAN would never have occurred if duty of care and a #PatientBillofRights backed by legislation existed to Protect #Democracy in WA.

The current Health care system is run by a mafia that excludes any alternative opinions. This mafia are actively undermining the rule of law by enacting health policy as frameworks that are never evaluated - so in effect the frameworks do not exist in any reality but the PR department.

Health Services are controlled by the Medical Mafia Swamp who do what ever they want. Health is about profit and enriching the parasitical political class who use their insider position to trade public assets and their systems are all resulting in pandemics of abuse in the community.

Domestic Violence and Rape is only a problem because the Minister for Health refuses to sack the dead wood and put in people who will throw away the puerile politics that only serve to make people sick. What WA needs are services delivered without fascism. Unless the Health Czars Put cameras into Operating theatres and have Guards to Protect Patients from harm then folks might as well stay at home where they are safe.

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