Guidelines for Gender Interactions in Islam to avoid Misunderstandings is a reading of an article from:
The HIV Consumer Alliance of WA has raised numerous very troubling continuing cases of bullying of Muslims in the AIDS Industry aka "the ham misunderstandings" are back so this is one of Fagmedia's Guide for Dummies so that our favourite moving forward can happen, again.
Because after all the problem with the AIDS Industry is that they never have any new ideas it's always the same old toxic bullshit dished up as new. Anyone who asks for equality or an end to bullying and the unequal distribution of services is smeared an attacked by a tired old AIDS Swamp and laughed off "as Just Politics".
Perhaps "they" should spend more time working in their ivory towers, instead of sipping champers at tax payer funded chairrman's lounges at Qantas. Perhaps our dear leaders should try to be less like the"con-sellers from the holy kellogg box and try cranking out Domestic Violence prevention to do something about the rape culture that seems to be the only community development tghat comes out of grooming culture!
Wait Awhile is going to get a big shock when the medical trends from overseas arrive in the WA penal colony and the groomers face a real backlash against the rape culture that always follows from grooming! They should just leave the children alone!
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